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Merry Christmas Fruit and Treats Tower


Item#: AT0234

  • AT0234, Merry Christmas Fruit and Treats Tower No Selection

This four piece tower is full of festive delights like juicy fresh fruit, chocolate covered cherries, Ghirardelli chocolate snowmen, watermelon gummis and dark drizzled caramel popcorn, all packed into beautiful keepsake tower boxes.

Contents: 3 oz. Chocolate Cherries, 3 oz. Sanded Fruit Gummies, 3 oz. Dark Drizzled Sea Salt Caramel Popcorn, 2 Seasonal Red Apples, 2 Seasonal Green Pears, Ghirardelli Chocolate Snowmen, 2 Ghirardelli Chocolate Snowmens

Merry Christmas Fruit and Treats Tower


Item#: AT0234

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